Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pressing the EASY button makes life hard.

While in college,  I was assigned to write five of my own personal fables.  These fables sum up how I feel about life.  They mean a great deal to me.  Here's the first one!

Everyone wanted to live in the land of Easy.  Everything was just that, easy.  Life had no challenges.  As a matter of fact, the hardest thing anyone had to do was wake up in the morning, look to the left and press the "easy" button that was sitting on the nightstand next to them.  When you pressed the easy button you could have anything you wanted; money, nice cars, a clean house, and even a degree from college.  Where did the easy button come from?  No one knew.  It just made life easy and everyone seemed to have one.

One morning, Fred, the Mayor of Easy, woke up and decided for some strange reason, that he was not going to press the easy button.  He wanted to be the first one to see what it was like to clean his room and take out the kitchen garbage, without the help of the easy button.  Fred found that working towards achieving an accomplishment made him feel good about himself.  He then took the next step and ventured out to get a job.  Because he studied the working ant in his Biology class before  his "easy button life", he decided that working an honest day and earning his own money is what made him truly happy.

Even though struggles and challenges began to be frequent without his daily easy button, he soon decided that hard work, complicated relationships, sickness, and even the death of his pet dog Buster, are what built the true foundation of his existence.  He knew that when he faced life's difficult trials and challenges without always looking for the easy path, his true character would be reached.  Finally, he thought to himself, "Pressing the easy button makes life hard."

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